Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Reality Check

I get to see Rachel this weekend…always a good thing. When I picked up my pictures, the fellow had given me seven prints instead of the three I ordered and paid for. So I have three bad ones, and seven good ones. My little brother saw them on the computer desk and said, “You know one of these is mine.” One of those definitive, no-nonsense type tones…heehee. He’s certainly allowed to have one, but the fact that he wanted one was interesting, to say the least.

Then a bunch of not-so-cool stuff has been happening lately, and my responses to them proved that I “have to work harder to rid myself of that which I hate.” Reality check for Michaela. Kick in the pants. I need a vacuum for my character defects.

Anyhoo, forgot all my stuff at work as they locked the store, so now I have to go back tomorrow and pick it up. And I bought chips for Dad with money he gave me to use, and left them too, so I’m dumb.  

I love Rachel. I got her some stuff from the various places I’ve been lately: Brickfest, Hershey Park yesterday, and then the pictures. I don’t have tons of money to get really cool things; it’s all basically stuff I made, like the picture. She appreciates those things though. Rachel’s cool like that.  Mwah!

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