Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Tag: computer.hacking

  • Computer Troubles—Yay!

    Tess, my five year-old desktop PC, has been throwing all kinds of conniptions over the past few months. Macheads, I see your fingers poised over the keyboard: If you are interested in purchasing Apple’s overpriced hardware and gifting it to me, I will gladly accept. Otherwise, silence. Classes and my lab rotation are now in progress,…

  • bookTuner: A WordPress Plugin for

    This plugin is no longer maintained and is unlikely to work with current versions of WordPress; however, there are other Goodreads plugins available. bookTuner is a WordPress plugin for displaying books from a shelf. After configuring, you can use tags to build a customized display of the book’s title, author, and jacket artwork, as…

  • Router Wrangling

    My new apartment has a cable hookup in the living room, but Tess (my desktop computer) is on the other side in the office. I had a similar problem at the old place, and solved it by bridging two wireless routers. I end up being able to physically connect Tess and the 360 to the…

  • New Style Switcher

    Inspired by a number of amazing, professional sites, I spent a bunch of time working with TimK on creating my own version of a style switcher. To be honest, at this point the code is rather ham-handed and I’ll be looking to improve it in the near future. But for now, it’s pretty cool, and…

  • Rebooting

    I realized this week that I was having some trouble getting pingbacks to work on the site. I spent far too much time scouring the internet looking for solutions to the problem with little luck. Ultimately, it appears that the issue was more specifically related to my conditions than I initially expected, but in the…

  • Reformatting—Again

    Tess (my desktop PC) has been having assorted problems over the past few months, so I took the plunge and went for it. A few hours later I’ve managed to get everything up and running and have almost finished wresting Windows XP to my powerful will. This time, once everything appears to be running smoothly,…

  • Hissy Fit

    Tess, my desktop computer, decided to throw a complete hissy fit yesterday. She’d been PMSing for the past several weeks, giving me random BSODs and refusing to boot into Windows properly post-catastrophe. Yesterday after one of these episodes she outright refused to turn on, prompting me to go on a mad scramble to purchase a…

  • Facebook Importing, Part 2

    Apparently Facebook stops importing notes without telling you if you delete any of the imported ones. So I can either have duplicates or delete all the past, commented and tagged notes. Yay Facebook for such a limited support of this feature.