Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Tag: humor

  • Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time

    Many people will tell you that there is an issue with parking at UMBC; namely, that there are not enough parking spaces. I would disagree with that claim, submitting instead that there are not enough parking spaces close to where students actually go. It has gotten a bit colder over the past few days and…

  • Oh, Omar…

    On Friday I had an interesting run-in with my apartment-mate, Omar. But for this to be appropriately appreciated, some background needs to be established. Omar has been having a little problem getting up and going to class. After about the first two weeks, his daily attendance began petering out until he was regularly missing Plant,…

  • Interview

    The other day I had an interview with a new research professor on campus. During our conversation, she abruptly asked me, “Michaela, what has been the most difficult part of your life thus far?” I looked her right in the eye and answered promptly with a single word, “Gastrulation.”

  • Cherries and Fire Alarms

    I was doing physics homework before I got distracted popping cherries, into my mouth. Such succulent fruits! Neat adventure this morning: The very moment I stepped into the shower, the fire alarm in my apartment went off, immediately transforming what should have been a very enjoyable time into a moment of awkward. I debated continuing…

  • Story of the Day

    After making my way to the front of the Faux-Italian food place line, I was convinced to forfeit my prime position and make the journey to the dining hall for my midday meal (blame Nayana!). At any rate, it turned out to be alright because they were serving chicken enchiladas…mmmmm… Popular things, those enchiladas, because…

  • Urgent Degeneration

    I started the day by waking up a half an hour earlier than usual, which is always a bad sign. Life starts messing with your head as soon as it realizes that you really have to make every point in your day squeeze along a straight line. So much for linear functions…mine had to be at least x4 inclusive…

  • Huzzah for Insecurity!

    It must come with the territory, turning eighteen (July 10!) and graduating high school. Faced with so many upcoming changes, it’s natural to be just a bit worried. After all, who knows what could happen if I picked the wrong brand of microwave popcorn? I’m sitting in a baseball field where my little brother is practicing for…

  • Sir, you have the intelligence of a sea cucumber.

    I was working today on the largest repetitive task at CompUSA: The Monthly Networking Section Reorganization of Death. This time, they’re really going to make sure it doesn’t get screwed up in a week. We’ll see. Anyway, one Einstein of a customer decided that the best place to leave his full Starbucks while he chitchatted on his cell phone…