Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Tag: humor

  • DM & M

    Picked this up from a vendor at the symposium yesterday. I do enjoy some science humor.

  • Progress

    There’s a hole in our house where the new AC is going to be. Visible progress my friends, I will dare to hope that we will be able to sit in our living room without pouring sweat within the week.

  • Slow Cooking

    The past several weeks have been some of the hottest of the year, with temperatures frequently going over 100 °F. It’s during these times of extreme use that home climate control systems tend to simply give up, a fate that befell our air conditioning unit one week ago today.  Even the nights are in the…

  • This Just Happened

    I was sitting at my desk, minding my own business, when one of the fluorescent light fixtures fell from the ceiling and crashed into the lab bench. Naturally, the first order of business was to share my shock and surprise with others by taking a picture and updating my status.

  • Versatility of Biohazard Bags

    Pleasantly rested after our miniature camping trip, we spent the afternoon at a local park. Despite my lifelong attempt to avoid all things relating to the playing of American football, I found myself attempting to learn how to throw one. I felt like a success when I was able to throw the ball such that…

  • Keller Peak Camping

    Naturally, the aforementioned camping trip came bundled with its own share of unexpected adventures. We took two cars so some of us could leave earlier (and so we could bring all of our food). I was in the late car with the food, and promptly managed to get us lost. My phone’s been acting up…

  • The Road Home

    Because of the planned detour to the Grand Canyon, we got an early start yesterday. We were making excellent time, but our vehicles seemed to have other plans for the journey. First, the little steel cable that engages the brakes if the trailer disconnects got snagged, forcing an emergency pullover amid smoking trailer tires. After…

  • What Happened Here?

    When we put the chicken away last night the bowl was fine. This afternoon we got it out for lunch and found this scene of devastation. Especially odd is that it looks like it’s missing a whole piece, but we didn’t find any yellow plastic sections anywhere. Hrm… Anybody who was at my house yesterday…