At Long Last, AMCAS Realizes It’s 2010
Amusingly, the keyword searches that bring the most traffic to my site (what little there is) have to do with the AMCAS application not working in modern browsers, including anything running on OS X. It looks like they’ve finally decided to update the site for the 2011 application cycle, and this time they’ve added an…
A Perceptual Error
A while back the leasing office started advertising a “breakfast on the go” event for this week. It sounded great and the time included when I normally leave for work; unlike most events, I planned to avail myself of it (this was assisted by the placement of the ad above my mailbox). The night before…
Number Sixteen
Perhaps more interesting than the construction on my road is my small mishap in one of the animal facilities the other day. Unbeknownst to me, the welding on one of the rat cage lids had partially separated, loosening the seal and enabling the cage to be opened from the inside. Inquisitive creatures that they are,…
I got accepted at Penn State University! This means that I now have choices for where I begin the next phase of my education this fall. On a more trivial note, I live off of a road that desperately wants to be gravel when it grows up, and thinks that if it just accumulates enough…
RAS Syndrome
Redundant Acronym Syndrome syndrome: people incur it all the time. They say an acronym but repeat the final word as well: DVD disc, ATM machine, ISBN number. Were the acronym to be fully expanded, they’re duplicating that final word and saying “digital versatile disc disc.” This used to aggravate me immensely, but the other day…
Soterios Johnson Won’t Stop Dancing Through My Head
This song has been stuck in my head all day. Curse you, Jeff Chiu!
The Secret Behind Pumpkin Pie
This Was a Triumph
All too often my weekends pass by in a blur of responsibilities, visiting families, and going places that, after ensuring I am sufficiently dizzy, cruelly abandons me on Monday morning. I am left drinking coffee and asking myself just where that time went, and how long is it until Friday again? In a refreshing inversion,…