Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Tag: internet

  • Six Figure Checks? Seriously?

    Looks like Matthew Inman, the guy behind one of my favorite webcomic sites, The Oatmeal, has started whining about content aggregators. You know, those sites that compulsively gobble whatever they can find on the internet and spew it back with all kinds of advertising. I used to run into these all the time when googling…

  • More Media Tracking

    Ever since I started using, I’ve been looking for similar services for other forms of media I intake. Goodreads was an excellent find, providing a lot of similar features geared toward books. It’s fun to integrate “what I’m doing” type lists into my website, but more than that the two services have generated some…

  • Holiday Hiatus

    Over Christmas I underwent a kind of internet fast. It wasn’t exactly self-imposed or rigidly enforced, it just kind of happened because I was away from my computer, Rachel commandeers the laptop to be her e-reader, and my phone is from before phones really figured out how to access the internet in a useful manner.…

  • On the Consumption of Content

    Now that we have internet access and are pretty much unpacked, I’ve been slowly trying to catch up on the internet. I’ve collected RSS feeds in Google Reader to the point that I can’t get through them all on a regular day, so several weeks of backlog probably means I’m going to give up and…

  • Seeing Past the Banner Ad

    Crosbie Fitch added some good insights in response to my previous post about web advertising, noting that the internet is returning balance to communication, changing effective advertising strategies from monologues to dialogues. In addition to basking in the knowledge that he reads my site, I’d like to riff on his post a bit and look…

  • Ad Blocking Is Here to Stay

    This has been discussed at some length before, but with yet another one of my favorite websites featuring a columnist adding their voice to the fracas, I thought it was worth revisiting. Like Ars Technica before him, Louis Lazaris of Smashing Magazine chastises folks who aren’t keen on including ads in their web browsing experience,…

  • At Long Last, AMCAS Realizes It’s 2010

    Amusingly, the keyword searches that bring the most traffic to my site (what little there is) have to do with the AMCAS application not working in modern browsers, including anything running on OS X. It looks like they’ve finally decided to update the site for the 2011 application cycle, and this time they’ve added an…

  • This Should Never Happen

    I just read a news post from Tim at CAD-Comic: Apparently, he searched the web for outfit ideas when creating a new character, and inadvertently based one off of some other artist’s painting. Since then it sounds like somebody came after him for “infringement,” and he’s gone back and changed every comic containing the artwork.…