Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Tag: introspection

  • After today, the next time I round I’ll be writing orders.

  • Wraiths

    We are the wraiths floating in the shadows, keeping the monsters off the path. Our souls are bare and tattered, the memory of a form. You marvel at what was lost to carry out this task, But perhaps we took the work because our souls were already worn.

  • Please Wait, Death Is Loading

    Ms. A was brought in from a nursing facility by the transport team my first week of ICU rotation. I had no idea what I was doing and my first thought was, “she looks old, I hope she doesn’t code before someone else gets here.” She was around 95 years old and had the kind…

  • Scheduled (Dis)Appointment

    There’s no easy way to say this: No matter the Match outcome, a lot of people I love and care about are going to be disappointed. Chances are that if you’re reading this, you have a place in mind you’re hoping I’ll end up. Because my economic class dictates that I can only live in…

  • Chatter

    People are talking. I see them smiling and hear the rise and fall of their laugher, their voices flowing around me as I slip soundlessly through the moving clusters. They seem so excited, but I cannot fathom what new information they have to share or plan or communicate–perhaps nothing at all. I know the exercise…

  • Beginning of the End of the Beginning | Loma Linda University School of Medicine Student Blog

    I will start with the best part: Friday, I presented my thesis proposal––and passed! I’ve spent the rest of the weekend being ecstatic. Typically, the response from others follows a somewhat less enthusiastic motif. “Wow, that’s great…what does it mean? Do you start med school now?” No, I’m not going to start med school anytime…

  • Wild Zones | Loma Linda University School of Medicine Student Blog

    At one point in my life I spent a lot of time mowing the lawn. We had a decently-sized area with terrain ranging from wide, flat spaces to steep hills and washed-out depressions. The ride-on mower was the closest I got to having a four-wheeler, so the chore wasn’t all bad. Even so, during the…

  • Instagram, The Nostalgia Of Now And Reckoning The Future – BuzzFeed