Versatility of Biohazard Bags
Pleasantly rested after our miniature camping trip, we spent the afternoon at a local park. Despite my lifelong attempt to avoid all things relating to the playing of American football, I found myself attempting to learn how to throw one. I felt like a success when I was able to throw the ball such that…
Keller Peak Camping
Naturally, the aforementioned camping trip came bundled with its own share of unexpected adventures. We took two cars so some of us could leave earlier (and so we could bring all of our food). I was in the late car with the food, and promptly managed to get us lost. My phone’s been acting up…
Forest Falls Redux
You may recall that over Easter weekend, a few of us attempted to climb Forest Falls but were stymied by the high water levels. This past weekend a smaller group returned and successfully traversed rock and water until we made it up to the actual falls. Our sure-footedness allowed us to keep our socks dry,…
Snorkeling in La Jolla
We’re in La Jolla right now, where thanks to the magic of smartphones and 3G I can share a few picture. I’ve never been snorkeling before, and it is incredible. Turns out the aquarium actually does make their environments look like the ocean. I doubt there’s a conspiracy theory about that, but if there were,…
This afternoon we took a walk up a hill to check out the view. On the way back we ran across a large beetle.
More Beach Pictures
Time has clearly been traveling too fast, causing me to get horribly behind on posting pictures. Here are a few cell phone shots from a beach trip we took last month (April). Tania volunteered to hold sunglasses while people were in the water, and ended up wearing four pairs.
Easter Weekend
In the past, Easter has been a rather quiet holiday for Rachel and me. Since we usually spend the “major” holidays with our parents and siblings, Easter became the holiday we spent having dinner by ourselves or with a friend or two. This year we had a bit more excitement over Easter weekend, beginning with…
Lake Perris Island Adventure
Yesterday a bunch of us took a boat out on Lake Perris. Perhaps because it is still technically winter, there weren’t that many people there. We were able to take our picnic out to the island and have it all to ourselves. On the way back, we sent the first group of people back to…