Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Tag: philosophy

  • Fantastic Post on How Genesis != Science

    A Worshipping Evolutionist? Science doesn’t have to be scary. In fact, I’ve found that when I finally let Genesis be what is (a beautifully meaningful poem) and science what it is (science), it can all actually be tremendously awe-inspiring.  Science can actually become another testament of God–another space where the voice of God can be…

  • Repressive Conservatism

    Throughout history, conservative groups have ascribed to a particularly irksome idea: If they do not want to do something, nobody else should be able to do it either. Thus, conservatives attempt to use the state to coerce people to conform to a specification or to prohibit something entirely. Why does this keep happening? How does…

  • Why Do We Hate Government?

    I don’t understand the anti-government sentiment that has been so pervasive in certain circles. The basis of a representative government is not an inherited organization that seeks to oppress or control the people. Rather, it is an institution of collective action that allows us to attempt to act in the best interest of all. The…

  • We Do, But We Aren’t: A critical examination of sex independent of marriage

    The Christian community is rife with warnings about people having sexual relationships outside of the marriage commitment, a practice typically referred to as premarital sex. Abstinence is considered to be worth whatever hardship it incurs as it serves to enhance the lifelong sexual fulfillment provided by a spouse. That the Bible explicitly prohibits premarital sex…

  • Jesus. All?

    Recently, Loma Linda University used the slogan “Jesus. All.” to brand a series of worship services. Apparently it’s also the headline of a reform-type movement within the Seventh-Day Adventist church. It’s one of those phrases so firmly reflective of Christian tradition that, to Christians, it is incontrovertible. Upon closer, more objective examination, however, the statement…

  • Finding the Right Path

    God’s way is the right way because if he exists, he exists outside the world and can see the shape of things. God’s way is the right way because that is the way the world is; therefore, you can find God’s way by looking at the world—which is exactly what people did when they wrote…

  • Exfoliating My Faith

    I have been thinking, with some trepidation, about writing this for a while now. My friend wisely pointed out that if I feel like it requires “working up the nerve to do” it’s probably a good idea. Essentially, I’ve reached a point in my life where I feel like my beliefs need to be aggressively cast off…

  • Residential Recycling

    Back before caring about the environment was a fad, my family was recycling: Taking care of cans, jars, and various other recyclable materials was one of my household jobs for a long time. In those dark ages, I had to fully rinse everything and peel of the labels before we could haul our amassed bags…