Hallowe’en Doggerel
We’re kind of old But still polite! We visit you This rainy night. Although you laugh At this funny scene, We wish you happy Hallowe’en! Our rhyme is done So please be sweet: You’re never too old To trick-or-treat! Performed door-to-door last year (2009) by Mark and I (alternating lines until the final one, said…
Ode to My Blue Bowl
Plates were in the washer clean An easy solution it would seem Yet the sink was overflowing with Every single type of dish. The night before I had consumed Popcorn from my bowl of blue. Delicious treat, a healthy snack But then I put the blue bowl back Atop the pile in the sink Oh…
Final Examination
Studying ‘till eyelids close Still are unprepared, Memorizing formulas Always running scared. Attending class with open mind If not always open eyes, Arrived with punctuality Saw the grade and cried. Was it A or maybe C But B and D are out, None of the above, perhaps Choice E without a doubt. Homework and those…
Standing in the kitchen Looking at the broken glass. Thinking about my living And the time we argued last. The pieces are transparent Blending right in with the floor. How could you be a parent When you always wanted more? Gathering the fragments I can’t help but cut my hands. Flaunting your achievements As you…
Re: Letting You Know
You claim your heart is broken. Not because you’re losing your family; Just that not enough’s been spoken To make you feel appreciated. What if I don’t appreciate you, Sitting there with your false tenderness. Do you even care about what goes through My mind when I see your face? You ask, but you don’t…
Caught in the middle, Feeling trapped, The things you say Are like being slapped. Bracing myself, I glaze my eyes, Shut my lips Ignore the lies. When asked to speak There is nothing to say, All I want Is to run away. I stop myself From shedding tears, Close my mind Against the fears. A…
Inner Voice
Brooding sky darkens, A face displaying its emotion. Forest quivering with hushed anticipation, Waiting for the outburst. Distant rumbling, Preparing to unleash pent-up force. Wind, a chilling gust, Threatens to rend asunder all that resists. Lighting illuminates churning clouds, Releasing thunder in a cry of pain. Pouring rain, culmination, A torrent of innumerable tears. Storm.…