Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Tag: research

  • Snapshot of a Researcher: Dr. Soriano

    At least one person has told me her view of scientists was that they were all crazy white-haired men with accents. It got me thinking—I think that picture is close to a majority opinion. Indeed, if you do a Google image search for “scientist,” one of the first results is pretty much exactly that. As others…

  • Mounting Coverslips

    One of the many steps that precedes the pretty fluorescence pictures I get. Cells are on little glass coverslips in the plate, and get mounted onto the slide with a special liquid and sealed into place with clear nail polish. All in dim light, since some of the stains are light-sensitive.

  • DM & M

    Picked this up from a vendor at the symposium yesterday. I do enjoy some science humor.

  • Poster

    There are problems, yes. But none of them are related to the printer or to my setup of the document on InDesign, so, success.

  • Late Night Poster Workspace

  • Science at 100x

    Science at 100x

    Because you were so consumed with longing to know what I do in lab all day, here’s a picture of some immunofluorescence staining I’ve been working on. Blue is cholesterol (labeled with filipin), which has accumulated in these cells as a result of treatment with a special drug. Red and green are two proteins I’m…

  • Confocal Microscopy

    While waiting for my turn on the confocal microscope I did a little advanced imaging of my own. I took this with picplz but so far I’m not too “plzed” with how they deal with the images. Equating caption and title isn’t all that great, although the effects are kind of fun.

  • Thesis Planning

    The lab I decided to stay in is just getting started at LLU, so right now it’s just me and the PI, Dr. Salvador Soriano. Since there wasn’t any ongoing research in the lab when I got there, the experiments we’re planning out are going to be my thesis. While the opportunity is tremendous, it’s…