Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.


  • In other news…

    In other news…

    It appears that Facebook has gotten the blog import feature working again. Perhaps now I should go back and tag some of these. Rachel and I watched Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End on DVD last night. I tried to get a better quality picture by hooking the player up via the component video…

  • Another Milestone for the Tercel

    Way back when I was still updating my journal (that’s what they called them before “blog” was such a popular buzzword) on deviantART, my ’84 Toyota Tercel hit a pretty significant milestone. On the trip back from Chincoteague, I passed by another one that made me happy enough that I actually wiped the dust off…

  • Omar Woes

    Here in the apartment, we all love Omar. We really do. But sometimes he does things we just can’t understand, like turning up the air conditioning when it’s 48 degrees outside. I literally had to go put on a jacket as my fingers were getting too cold to continue typing. What’s great is that Omar…

  • Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time

    Many people will tell you that there is an issue with parking at UMBC; namely, that there are not enough parking spaces. I would disagree with that claim, submitting instead that there are not enough parking spaces close to where students actually go. It has gotten a bit colder over the past few days and…

  • Red Zone

    All of today has been a dance between me and my Treo 700w’s rapidly dwindling battery power. Last night, during all of the hubbub, I left my Bluetooth headset paired to the phone, only to realize when I sauntered off to class that I was getting the “First Warning”: battery is less than 10%. After…

  • The Unexpected

    Have you ever had one of those times when you think your day is going to go a certain way, then about 75% of the way through something happens and it completely changes? I’ve just had one of those times.

  • Oh, Omar…

    On Friday I had an interesting run-in with my apartment-mate, Omar. But for this to be appropriately appreciated, some background needs to be established. Omar has been having a little problem getting up and going to class. After about the first two weeks, his daily attendance began petering out until he was regularly missing Plant,…

  • Personal Record

    Well, by getting this in before midnight I’ve set a new personal record for blog posts in a month, whatever that means. Whether or not anybody actually reads it, I find the practice a helpful way for me to get a lot of the things that bounce around my head all day out—plus at times…