Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Tag: weather

  • Forgetting My Lunch

  • Slow Cooking

    The past several weeks have been some of the hottest of the year, with temperatures frequently going over 100 °F. It’s during these times of extreme use that home climate control systems tend to simply give up, a fate that befell our air conditioning unit one week ago today.  Even the nights are in the…

  • Convict Lake

    It took me way too long to process the collected pictures from our camping trip to Convict Lake, but here are some of the highlights (taken by all of us across several cameras). I’ve kind of surprised myself with how much time I’ve been spending outdoors lately. It’s a good contrast to all the time…

  • Spring, I Hardly Knew Ye

    Having lived here less than a year, I’m not entirely confident that I’m qualified to comment on the Southern California environments. However, I would imagine that it is in these first months that the differences between “here” and “there”—that is to say, Maryland—are the most salient, and are thus a fine source of raw material…

  • Here’s My January

  • Muddy Streets

  • First Quarter Down

    This morning I turned in the take-home portion of my biochem final exam, the last of my assignments for the quarter. That’s one quarter down…only thirty one more to go. I’m also wrapping things up with my first research rotation. When school starts back up on January 3rd I’m going to be switching from traumatic…

  • Palm Trees and Snowy Mountains