Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Category: Long Reads

Stories that take a bit longer to get through.

  • Down with the Sickness

    Down with the Sickness

    Because any writing vaguely resembling a movie review needs some sort of pseudo-wit based around a pun. I saw Contagion over the weekend. It’s not often I make it to the theater for a movie (last time was Midnight in Paris, before that I think it was Black Swan), so I try to do my due diligence and make…

  • There Is Never a Case Where Sharing Equals Stealing

    Most, if not all IP maximalists and a great many misinformed journalists equate the sharing of digital information with the theft of physical objects. This misuse of language has been debunked may times over, but in a recent article, Kevin Drum at Mother Jones remixed the argument in favor. I think he’s still making a…

  • Slow Cooking

    The past several weeks have been some of the hottest of the year, with temperatures frequently going over 100 °F. It’s during these times of extreme use that home climate control systems tend to simply give up, a fate that befell our air conditioning unit one week ago today.  Even the nights are in the…

  • Convict Lake

    It took me way too long to process the collected pictures from our camping trip to Convict Lake, but here are some of the highlights (taken by all of us across several cameras). I’ve kind of surprised myself with how much time I’ve been spending outdoors lately. It’s a good contrast to all the time…

  • Science at 100x

    Science at 100x

    Because you were so consumed with longing to know what I do in lab all day, here’s a picture of some immunofluorescence staining I’ve been working on. Blue is cholesterol (labeled with filipin), which has accumulated in these cells as a result of treatment with a special drug. Red and green are two proteins I’m…

  • Overcoming Inertia

    I stand on the edge of the lake, the weathered rocks pressing uncomfortably into my feet. Chilly water laps at the shore, inviting, daring me to join it; voices behind me yell encouragements. I wave my arms as though loosening up in an attempt to buy time: I am ready to jump, but I stand in…

  • Versatility of Biohazard Bags

    Pleasantly rested after our miniature camping trip, we spent the afternoon at a local park. Despite my lifelong attempt to avoid all things relating to the playing of American football, I found myself attempting to learn how to throw one. I felt like a success when I was able to throw the ball such that…

  • Keller Peak Camping

    Naturally, the aforementioned camping trip came bundled with its own share of unexpected adventures. We took two cars so some of us could leave earlier (and so we could bring all of our food). I was in the late car with the food, and promptly managed to get us lost. My phone’s been acting up…