Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Happy Birthday, Du

My little brother Mark turns seventeen today. Seventeen! It doesn’t seem that long ago that the two of us were creating our massive Lego setups in the basement. Yet here we are, growing up and hurtling through life like rockets at escape velocity. For a while the five-year difference between us seemed more like a chasm, but with each passing year it seems to be closing back up.

Watching my baby brother grow up is exciting, because of all of the new experiences we are able share together, and frightening, when I think of the things I was doing at seventeen and realize that is where he is now. I think he’s becoming quite the fine young man, although I admit I’m a bit biased.

We’ve done some fascinating things over the years and I can’t wait to see what is to come. Happy seventeenth, Mark!

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