The “light dusting” of snow we were supposed to get this past weekend got so excited about covering the earth that it forgot to stop, leaving us with about four inches. Faced with an abundance of soft powdery crystals and the broodmother of all hills in front of our apartment, Rachel and I simply had…
I finished watching Dollhouse this weekend, further convincing me that somebody like Joss Whedon is perfectly positioned to lead his contemporaries into the wonderful world of 21st century business models, a la Trent Reznor in music. Careful, spoilers inside. With an army of rabidly loyal fans at his command and a good number of people…
I had my interview day at the University of Maryland School of Medicine today, which I think went decently well. It’s difficult to develop a metric by which to grade the “wellness” of an interview, but so far my rubric states that if the interviewer and I are able to carry on some semblance of…