Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Long Reads

Stories that take a bit longer to get through.

  • Don’t You Just Hate When You Forget

    I can’t stand it when I have the perfect idea for something to write here, and then forget it hours later. It’s like the more information I try and cram into my brain, the more stuff falls out the back, forgotten. At any rate, my day got off to a poor start when I was…

  • Labs Suck

    Cell Biology lab has put me in a foul mood this afternoon. To be fair, it starts at a disadvantage thanks to the time: 2:30-5:30 on Friday afternoons. However, any remaining grace I may have felt for the class evaporated faster than isopropyl alcohol when my partner Amir and I began the activity. So much…

  • It’s not that I hate Macs…

    I own a number of Apple products, I have given Apple products as gifts, and I most likely will purchase an Apple MacBook Pro to replace my current laptop computer. What really gets me, though, is the idea that PC problems can somehow be solved by switching platforms. It’s as if a customer, upon purchasing…