All of today has been a dance between me and my Treo 700w’s rapidly dwindling battery power. Last night, during all of the hubbub, I left my Bluetooth headset paired to the phone, only to realize when I sauntered off to class that I was getting the “First Warning”: battery is less than 10%.
After Spanish class the poor Treo passed out, leaving me helpless and forced to write things down with paper and pen. I can only imagine how it must feel going through life in such misery. I managed to charge back up to 11% before my next errand, which kept me afloat for the rest of the day until a few minutes ago, when it passed out again. Now I’m SOL until I drive back to UMBC from Rachel’s house in the morning and can use the car charger, which unfortunately doesn’t do its job nearly as fast as the wall variety.
Note to self: turn your darn headset off when you arrive at your destination.