Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.


Remember how the AMCAS med school application website doesn’t work with any modern browsers? How I can’t upgrade Firefox past 3.0 on my Mac at work because there are no other supported OSX browsers, and at home I can only use IE 8 in compatibility mode? They haven’t fixed it yet.What’s even more frustrating is that it’s not that the site doesn’t work on those browsers, it’s simply that some website building reject decided that he would actively block all of the “unsupported” browsers. Anyway, the point of this post was that I was looking through my website stats, specifically the search engine keywords that bring people here. Seven out of ten of them relate to this issue.

In my personal med school quest, I continue to slave away at my secondary essays. My letters of recommendation finally got sent, though, meaning that finishing these essays is last step between me and the peace of mind I hope to experience when all my applications have been submitted. Onward.

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One response to “Silly AMCAS”

  1. Andrew Avatar

    Wait, what about my letter of recommendation? Oh wait, you didn’t ask me, jerk. 😉

    Good luck with those essays. I’m always here to proofread.

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