Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Tag: clinical.medicine

  • Vaccine Reactions

    Most reactions to a vaccine are not much to worry about, and even anaphylaxis is treatable.

  • Healthcare Workers During COVID-19

    I spent a lot of time trying to find the original source for this drawing to give appropriate credit. The artist signed it but I wasn’t able to read the name well enough at this resolution, and reverse image searching turned up a bunch of reposters.

  • Masks and Breathing

    Here’s a nice anecdotal follow-up to those mask objections I wrote about. Remember, even if it did demonstrate that a mask “cut oxygen levels,” that is not the same order of magnitude of problem as spreading a disease like COVID-19. Doctor Runs 22 Miles Wearing Face Mask to Show it Doesn’t Cut Oxygen Levels.

  • Objections to Prevention

    Objections to Prevention

    A rundown of objections to COVID-19 prevention strategies, and why those objections are wrong.

  • Rule In, Rule Out

    Rule In, Rule Out

    Looking at false positives, false negatives, and what that means for COVID-19 testing.

  • An End and A Beginning

    One week ago, I walked away from my last ever ED shift, and with it, my time as a Pediatrics resident. From here onward, I’m exclusively a Neurology resident: No more well child checks, runny noses, or asthma exacerbations. It went by so quickly—in large part, I imagine, due to the work hours, but also…

  • Incision and Drainage

    Descriptions within not recommended for sensitive stomachs.

  • Change of Shift

    Change of Shift

    Some changes may have occurred in two years.