Happy Birthday, Du
My little brother Mark turns seventeen today. Seventeen! It doesn’t seem that long ago that the two of us were creating our massive Lego setups in the basement. Yet here we are, growing up and hurtling through life like rockets at escape velocity. For a while the five-year difference between us seemed more like a…
Congratulations Du!
My little brother Mark got his first job today. I’m so excited for him! It’s a big step in the transition from child to adult and I’m confident he’s going to do well. Way to go Du!
Welcome 2008
I have only recently returned to my apartment, and my internet-based mainstays, on account of the recent holiday season, my lack of a laptop computer, and because I am too cheap to add data service to my cellular plan. As a result, I have only recently been affectionately reunited with Tess, my lovingly constructed desktop…
And a Merry Christmas
It’s Christmas Eve folks. It sure seems like the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas gets shorter every year. How come September through November seems to take such a long time, and then Thanksgiving comes around and it’s already Christmas? At least this year I was a little more prepared, despite my wrapping of presents yesterday. Here’s something to…
Vicious Cycle: Helpless
Parents are the masters at creating vicious cycles for their kids. I can’t stand it. For some reason, they think that because you’re better off then they were at your age, you’re somehow getting a wonderful deal. I’m sorry, but that sucks. Parents don’t realize that the world changes between their time and ours. And if you had to work…
They Didn’t Hate Me
That would be referring to Rachel’s relatives, the ones I got to meet this past weekend. It was rather interesting, especially since most of Rachel’s family hadn’t seen these people in a good while either. Her grandma was cool, and her aunts and cousins seemed alright. Rachel and I and a few other members of her immediate family…
Flights of the Backyard Pilot
Mark’s friend and his friend’s little brother in the hammock/swing. There’s something special about a little brother, even when they’re a complete pain.