Occupational Hazards
Aside from the occasional mishap, my colleagues and I do rather well managing the ever-present hazards of working in a research laboratory. Every so often, though, something happens that’s particularly interesting. We have some neat little stitch scissors for detailed snipping activities that I needed to use today. While I was cleaning them off, they…
Just Another Day at the Lab
Yesterday, in a turn of events involving chocolate, yogurt, and rat treats, I ended up in the UMD Medical Center cafeteria. While looking through the cooler, I happened to notice a new (released just this year, in fact) soda flavor: Dr. Pepper Cherry. This seemed rather interesting, as Dr. Pepper has been advertised as an…
The Genre Debacle
Ever since I started digitizing my music library, I’ve struggled with the pronunciation of the word “genre.” I started out saying John Ree, perhaps imagining him as a pioneer in the field of music classification; sort of a spiritual ancestor to the Music Genome Project. Later, I adopted the slurred buzzing intonation that inhabits a…
Barrier to Entry
A while back (2006, to be exact) Coke started My Coke Rewards, a semi-digital version of those frequent customer reward programs. It’s supposed to be very simple: you buy Coke brand drinks and enter the code under the cap online. Apparently now you can even text the codes in on your cell phone (how delightfully…
It’s been raining a lot around here lately, which means a lot of driving around with windshield wipers. A while back I replaced my broken wiper blades with new ones by Rain-X, followed quickly by replacing my blue windshield washer fluid with bright orange product also from Rain-X. The combination of the two has created…
This Unfortunate Holiday
I usually have a grand time on April Fools’ Day, checking out all of the pranks from my favorite sites like Google, Smashing Magazine, and Gizmodo. I can’t remember the last time somebody pulled one on me, but James McCauley just hit me with a great one. Context: James and I have been working over…
A couple of nights ago I had a crazy dream based around Team Fortress 2. The teams were red and blue, as usual, and I was playing on the red (defending) team. The map was some strange modification of cp_dustbowl translated to real life. The twist was that the blue and red teams represented Democrats…