At Long Last, AMCAS Realizes It’s 2010
Amusingly, the keyword searches that bring the most traffic to my site (what little there is) have to do with the AMCAS application not working in modern browsers, including anything running on OS X. It looks like they’ve finally decided to update the site for the 2011 application cycle, and this time they’ve added an…
I have now received some form of response to all sixteen of my med school applications. The final stats: Twelve rejections, four interviews. Of those four, Loma Linda University, Penn State Hershey College of Medicine, and New York Medical College offered acceptances, while the University of Maryland School of Medicine (where I’ve worked for two…
Exiting the Nest
Over the weekend Rachel and I drove up to Penn State Hershey for the College of Medicine’s second look day. The whole thing was organized by the med students, and while they did squeeze a lot of information and activities into the day, I was impressed once again. I was also quite surprised by how…
I got accepted at Penn State University! This means that I now have choices for where I begin the next phase of my education this fall. On a more trivial note, I live off of a road that desperately wants to be gravel when it grows up, and thinks that if it just accumulates enough…
Hurry Up and Wait
I had my final med school interview this week and (independently) collected my twelfth rejection. Now it’s just a matter of waiting for the remaining three schools I interviewed at to get back to me. The uncertainty of waiting creates considerable emotional drag, not only because a rejection could arrive at any time, but also…
Three Out of Four
I had my third of four med school interviews at Penn State University today and I left quite impressed. I felt like everybody there was really going out of their way to make the interviewees feel welcome, an attitude that sets a positive atmosphere right from the start. Both PSU and LLU structured their interview…
I had my interview day at the University of Maryland School of Medicine today, which I think went decently well. It’s difficult to develop a metric by which to grade the “wellness” of an interview, but so far my rubric states that if the interviewer and I are able to carry on some semblance of…
This weekend I had my first medical school interview, a welcome contrast to the slate of rejections I’ve received. Heading to Loma Linda University and the 70-degree weather of Southern California after the subfreezing temperatures in Maryland didn’t hurt either. While there’s no way to know for sure, I think the interviews went well. I…