Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Category: Short Reads

Updates that are comfortably bite-sized.

  • Snow

    This morning, I woke up somewhat refreshed, as I had about seven hours of sleep under my belt. Straining through the morning fog surrounding my brain, I listened as the radio droned through the list of school closings. Howard County Public schools, closed. Just about every other county? Closed. Howard Community College? Business as usual. After chem and lab, they…

  • Vote for Me!

    So Karetau (my Lego creation) is in the contest over on BZPower. Vote for me! It’d be really cool! And I’d give you a cookie of your choice. Poll. Click here (4/15/2020: now-dead link to BZPower forum thread). You’ll have to sign up and confirm your account before the software will allow you to vote, but come on,…

  • February 14 Hitch

    No, that wasn’t Rachel and me getting married, ya ectoplasm. We went to a wedding. Rachel and I saw Hitch this weekend. That movie is on my favorites list now. It totally r0x0rz my b0x0rz (the awesome penguin ones). So go see it. Know of any good places to download techno music? I could use some (.midi files need not respond).…

  • And a Merry Christmas

    It’s Christmas Eve folks. It sure seems like the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas gets shorter every year. How come September through November seems to take such a long time, and then Thanksgiving comes around and it’s already Christmas? At least this year I was a little more prepared, despite my wrapping of presents yesterday. Here’s something to…

  • Vicious Cycle: Helpless

    Parents are the masters at creating vicious cycles for their kids.  I can’t stand it. For some reason, they think that because you’re better off then they were at your age, you’re somehow getting a wonderful deal. I’m sorry, but that sucks. Parents don’t realize that the world changes between their time and ours. And if you had to work…

  • Soup and Ice Cream

    That’s pretty much the extent of my diet at the moment, thanks to these “wisdom” teeth. It hurt pretty badly on Tuesday and Wednesday in between all the pain meds. Today I haven’t taken anything and it’s really not bothering me that much, so I guess that means I haven’t failed the healing process. Yet. Plus I don’t have…

  • Giant Story!

    Here’s an interesting work story from this past Tuesday I had forgotten when I tried to write it down.   I was on one of the express lanes. Even though both lanes were open there were still two huge lines of customers. Looking up in desperation I noticed two people from the old barn where I used to…

  • Wither

    Forward he marches through scornful laughterUndaunted eyes set on hopes of here afterA gauntlet of piercing stares line his wayCondemning glares say all hate can say As he strides ever on stepsIn time with his hearts rhythm and rhymeTo the end of his dayForever seductive smile shatters senseAnd bids him acquiesce from this solitary life…