Throughout history, conservative groups have ascribed to a particularly irksome idea: If they do not want to do something, nobody else should be able to do it either. Thus, conservatives attempt to use the state to coerce people to conform to a specification or to prohibit something entirely. Why does this keep happening? How does…
Today I gave my first-ever presentation on my research to the other the LLU graduate students and assembled faculty. Since I haven’t done this before, it was kind of my debut as a budding scientist, so I wanted to make a good impression. I spent a lot of time working on this presentation, which represents…
It was supposed to be more of an afternoon trip, but by the time we got people together and made the drive out to Joshua Tree, it was more like prevening. In the past I have duct taped the knees of my ripped jeans for adventures such as these, but this time I was convinced…