It’s no secret that the big media “old guard” want absolute control over how we as individuals experience culture. Rather than viewing the internet and the technologies and services it enables as exciting new opportunities to eliminate the cost of distribution and reach a global audience, they have insisted on clinging to a scarcity-driven business…
Because any writing vaguely resembling a movie review needs some sort of pseudo-wit based around a pun. I saw Contagion over the weekend. It’s not often I make it to the theater for a movie (last time was Midnight in Paris, before that I think it was Black Swan), so I try to do my due diligence and make…
Most, if not all IP maximalists and a great many misinformed journalists equate the sharing of digital information with the theft of physical objects. This misuse of language has been debunked may times over, but in a recent article, Kevin Drum at Mother Jones remixed the argument in favor. I think he’s still making a…