Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Long Reads

Stories that take a bit longer to get through.

  • Playlist Victory

    I have established a bit of a policy that when I get new music I have to listen to it at least once. This was working well until my music collection increased 50% in nearly one go last fall. My “New Music” playlist became huge, and coupled with various new additions it has taken a…

  • Hydrogen Peroxide and a Band Aid

    Or, “I did in 60 seconds what the University of Maryland Medical Center could not do in 3 hours.” This evening went very different from how I imagined it would go as I was preparing to leave work. I was cleaning out the cryostat from my latest spate of brain-cutting and my hand slipped, slicing…

  • Inheritance Book 2: The Plagiarism Continues

    Once again, Paolini rips off the work of other talented storytellers while adding nothing new. The result is a predictable, flat story that, like its predecessor, reads like Tolkien fan fiction.