Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Operation Turkey Cook

Let’s start with the news you were dying to hear: Operation Turkey Cook was a success. In addition to preparing a delicious bird, Rachel and I created a sumptuous feast that is bound to have us eating leftovers for a week or more. While listening to This American Life, we made cranberry sauce, asparagus, cornbread muffins, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, mashed potatoes, and pies. This was also our first Thanksgiving alone, although that was offset somewhat by long-distance visiting thanks to the magic of webcams and Skype.

After the big meal we ended up just sitting around together with blankets and books. I managed to finish a book for the first time since school started. One cannot live on scientific papers alone, right? While I missed being around everybody, nothing beats relaxing with my sweetheart.

Unfortunately I can only hold school at bay for so long: I found out that the presentation I had finished decently well ahead of time needs to be significantly reworked before I give it on Monday. From the email the professor sent out, it sounds like a bunch of my fellow students are going to have to redo theirs as well, so at least I’m not the only one with homework over the holiday weekend.

The good news is that I’m on the home stretch of my first quarter at LLU. Celebration is a bit premature at this point, but a checkpoint is in sight. And then there’s Christmas break.

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2 responses to “Operation Turkey Cook”

  1. Andrew Avatar

    This was definitely my smallest Thanksgiving yet too, but still enjoyable. Glad you guys were able to cook stuff and not burn it all!

    I’m looking forward to a (hopefully) longer break around Christmas.

    1. SteelWolf Avatar

      Yes, despite Rachel’s dire predictions our dinner seemed to turn out okay (and tasty). I’m looking forward to Christmas break too, haha.

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