Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.


  • They Didn’t Hate Me

    That would be referring to Rachel’s relatives, the ones I got to meet this past weekend. It was rather interesting, especially since most of Rachel’s family hadn’t seen these people in a good while either. Her grandma was cool, and her aunts and cousins seemed alright. Rachel and I and a few other members of her immediate family…

  • Rachel Weekend!

    I find it helps clear my mind a little if I write one of these journals before embarking on a quest to write a good composition paper. I’m going to need all the +1UP’s I can get while working on this one. It’s the first composition paper all year that I have zero motivation for, as it’s…

  • Two Weeks Notice

    That’s what I gave to Giant yesterday. I work tomorrow, and a few hours on Friday, and then I can hang up my red Giant shirt for good. And exchange it for a red CompUSA shirt, because I got hired with them. I’m going to be working sales floor instead of cashiering which is a major improvement. Especially…

  • Giant Story!

    Here’s an interesting work story from this past Tuesday I had forgotten when I tried to write it down.   I was on one of the express lanes. Even though both lanes were open there were still two huge lines of customers. Looking up in desperation I noticed two people from the old barn where I used to…

  • Rantage = k/Viewers

    That’s right, rantage has to be inversely related to the number of people who view it. As in, the more I rant, the more people flock in droves…away. Or rather, Michaela is just frazzled because of “life.” Have to find a new job and apply to college and both are really hard, especially when Giant and school…

  • /This Being Human Business

    When did I get asked if I wanted to have the wonderful human ability to screw things up? Why do I do the things I don’t want to do and forget the things I wanted to to do? How is it that I can only hurt the people I love? It’s called being human and it’s incredibly…

  • Mirrored

    I thought it would be fun to take an ID picture of myself reflected in my bedroom mirror. On my dresser, you can see representations of my interests, like Rachel, Lego, deodorant, music… If you look closely you can see the spots on the glass that won’t go away when I clean it.

  • Mower Efficiency, Composition Waste

    My composition assignment for tomorrow really stinks. It’s supposed to be a “process paper” which, if you’ve ever tried to write one, is rather difficult, especially if you have to write in third person for the whole thing. Mine’s on mowing the yard with a new technique, but I think it really stinks. I also had a…