How Tech Can Help Science
My technical problems often involve physical limitations.
Ne’er Conditioning
Despite it being a non-negotiable feature of our residences, we seem to have incredibly bad luck with air conditioning. Also, we’re back home.
A Lack of Craft
Good intentions are no match for poor workmanship.
Mistyped URLs
After the incredible success of my Deviant Art Post Reclamation Effort, I continued onward through time. I finally committed to merging the incredible mistypedURL with this site, which necessitated going through and fixing tags, categories, and formatting. There was also the unfortunate period where I uploaded everything via the erstwhile Posterous; with some internet sleuthing…
Nights for Days
Night shifts generate strong opinions: are they desirable or miserable, easier or more difficult? Regardless, residency has a fair number of them, and unlike our colleagues we don’t get paid any extra. Personally I don’t mind them, although to be fair, I don’t currently have difficulty sleeping during the day or catching naps during slow…