Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.


  • Out with a Flash

    Yeah, while attempting to make final tweaks to our research papers, Jerri and I came up with some great senior pranks. With the help of our very cool friends, we pulled them off quite well. We finally got our vengeance against Mr. Tim, the CBA science teacher, by Saran Wrapping his car and writing all over…

  • Friends are Cool

    Yes, after going through all that stuff with composition and everything, I’m in a very good mood. My Improv class show thing was this evening—I’d been looking forward to it for several weeks now. It went very well and I think the audience had a good time (at least they laughed at us a whole lot…

  • Way to Feel Stupid

    I made myself get up at 7:00 this morning. Now if that wasn’t stupid by itself, it was to go to a work meeting. A work meeting that I thought started at eight, but really didn’t start until nine. What a wonderful start to the day. I stocked some games at CompUSA later on, and I realized something. You…

  • Stranded

    I feel like I’m feebly grasping a single thread of my life as we both whisk down the briskly flowing current of Time. Missed class this morning for UMBC. Missing class Monday for eye surgeon appointment. What does this mean? Only that I spend today preparing for my Spanish midterm that was tonight (I fail at the listening…

  • Snow

    This morning, I woke up somewhat refreshed, as I had about seven hours of sleep under my belt. Straining through the morning fog surrounding my brain, I listened as the radio droned through the list of school closings. Howard County Public schools, closed. Just about every other county? Closed. Howard Community College? Business as usual. After chem and lab, they…

  • February 14 Hitch

    No, that wasn’t Rachel and me getting married, ya ectoplasm. We went to a wedding. Rachel and I saw Hitch this weekend. That movie is on my favorites list now. It totally r0x0rz my b0x0rz (the awesome penguin ones). So go see it. Know of any good places to download techno music? I could use some (.midi files need not respond).…

  • 99,999.9


    Have you ever really felt like crying, and then not been able to? It’s like you have the “cry” feelings there, but then the “cry” switch is stuck in the off position. So it ends up generating a blah sort of feeling instead. Yesterday was eventful to say the least. When there’s a high lifecrap over time ratio,…

  • And a Merry Christmas

    It’s Christmas Eve folks. It sure seems like the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas gets shorter every year. How come September through November seems to take such a long time, and then Thanksgiving comes around and it’s already Christmas? At least this year I was a little more prepared, despite my wrapping of presents yesterday. Here’s something to…