Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Category: Long Reads

Stories that take a bit longer to get through.

  • New Ontology

    New Ontology

    After a week or so of orientations and Neurology crash courses, disorienting orientations, collecting badges to four different hospitals, and panicked texts to our chief residents, Adam and I started our lives as Neurology residents today. Adam and I started together in 2018, making him my co-resident and “neurobro” for the duration of this journey.…

  • Review: The Slow Regard of Silent Things

    An ethereal, emotional sort of story of the sort I immensely enjoy.

  • An End and A Beginning

    One week ago, I walked away from my last ever ED shift, and with it, my time as a Pediatrics resident. From here onward, I’m exclusively a Neurology resident: No more well child checks, runny noses, or asthma exacerbations. It went by so quickly—in large part, I imagine, due to the work hours, but also…

  • Incision and Drainage

    Descriptions within not recommended for sensitive stomachs.

  • Change of Shift

    Change of Shift

    Some changes may have occurred in two years.

  • La Lancha

    Since being unceremoniously required to leave our residence, we’ve been living in an Airbnb dubbed “La Lancha” by its owners, Dave and Bonnie. They built an entire two-story guest house in their backyard with amenities not available in our actual condo, namely, a washer and dryer (also, AC that consistently works, but that’s another issue).…

  • Mistyped URLs

    After the incredible success of my Deviant Art Post Reclamation Effort, I continued onward through time. I finally committed to merging the incredible mistypedURL with this site, which necessitated going through and fixing tags, categories, and formatting. There was also the unfortunate period where I uploaded everything via the erstwhile Posterous; with some internet sleuthing…

  • How I’m Spending the Next-Next Decade

    Mark recently remarked that it has been about…oh, hey, a decade…since I last attempted to lead my family and friends through the masochistic labyrinth of my poor life choices. Having now reached the “Post-Graduate” heading of that infamous post, I suppose an update would be beneficial. Regrettably, despite my prior efforts, many of my loved…