Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Long Reads

Stories that take a bit longer to get through.

  • Sword of Damocles

    By now you may already be aware that COVID-19 thing sweeping the world—I heard it’s pretty trendy. Over the past several weeks I’ve felt as though I’m a sandpiper running ahead of incoming waves. I went to a concert Wednesday of last week; by Thursday they were cancelling concerts. Saturday and Sunday I went out…

  • Modern Medicine

    I am a fan of technology, it says so right in my tagline. I also think that finding ways to apply developing technology to medicine is pretty cool, and is something I enjoy doing myself when the opportunities arrive. That being said, technology hasn’t always lived up to its promise of making life easier, and…

  • Fetch Quests

    My friends who play RPGs will be familiar with the concept of “fetch quests.” For the rest of you, they’re sort of in the same family as a MacGuffin, that largely interchangeable noun valued by a story’s characters in order to drive the plot. In games, the character must go out and collect an arbitrary…