Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Long Reads

Stories that take a bit longer to get through.

  • Warner Brothers and Trakt

    It’s no secret that Big Content is more than a little schizophrenic when it comes to technology, seeing death knells in the very disruptions that later become their lifeblood. In this vein, I saw the other day that Warner Brothers Australia has begun including shouts from Trakt users on their movie pages. Don’t get me…

  • A Post about Pens

    My mother will tell you that I began collecting pens, pencils, and the occasional highlighter or marker from an early age. As I got older, I stopped saving every corporate logo’d stick pen that crossed my path, instead filling mugs and cans with souvenir pens containing trains or animals that floated back and forth, pencils…

  • Snapshot of a Researcher: Dr. Soriano

    At least one person has told me her view of scientists was that they were all crazy white-haired men with accents. It got me thinking—I think that picture is close to a majority opinion. Indeed, if you do a Google image search for “scientist,” one of the first results is pretty much exactly that. As others…