Matter, Energy, and Life of Michaela A. Castello.

Long Reads

Stories that take a bit longer to get through.

  • This Was Going to Be a Cool Title

    …until I forgot it. But I’m going to stop being so predictable in this journal. There are all kinds of stresses and things in life, and if you’re always thinking about them, you prevent yourself from really enjoying life. There’s nothing wrong with caring about that stuff; in fact, it’s a requirement. However, sometimes you just have to…

  • Rantage = k/Viewers

    That’s right, rantage has to be inversely related to the number of people who view it. As in, the more I rant, the more people flock in droves…away. Or rather, Michaela is just frazzled because of “life.” Have to find a new job and apply to college and both are really hard, especially when Giant and school…

  • /This Being Human Business

    When did I get asked if I wanted to have the wonderful human ability to screw things up? Why do I do the things I don’t want to do and forget the things I wanted to to do? How is it that I can only hurt the people I love? It’s called being human and it’s incredibly…